Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I got this recipe from another mom in the same situation.
Here is the link to her blog.
I was so sad when I noticed she is no longer an active poster.
I also tried her Baked Oatmeal recipe...YUM!!
Here this is,
it is a huge hit whether you are D&S free or not!

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
4 very ripe bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup plain unsweetend apple sauce
1 teaspoon cinnamon
dairy/soy free chocolate chips, such as Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda and powder, salt. In a large bowl cream together eggs and sugar. Stir in mashed bananas, vanilla, apple sauce, and cinnamon. Stir in flour mixture, a third at a time, until just combined. Add chocolate chips. Divide batter into two 9x5 loaf pans. Bake for about 1 hour or until knife inserted in center comes out clean (minus any gooey melted chocolate!). YUM!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Simply Cheesy

Mmm cheese.
It might be the biggest thing I miss.
I have also discovered we need to be very careful when purchasing "cheese".
First of all, "Lactose Free" is not equivalent to "Dairy Free".
Our kiddos are not allergic to lactose, they are allergic to milk protein.
You need to discuss this fact with your family members- especially if they will be cooking you any meals. (Like when well intentioned Aunt Betty bakes you a dish for Christmas)
I bought Rice Cheese in the Vegan section of Whole Foods.
Did not check the label.
After about 2 weeks of eating it I noticed the front label only read, "Lactose Free".
I flipped the package over and sure enough, there it was:
Caesin (A Milk Protein)
Exactly what my kid is allergic to.
I had to request Whole Foods order the cheese I could have:
It MUST be the Vegan kind.
These are the best slices & blocks of cheese I have found.
For shredded cheese, I use Daiya Cheese.
They make all kinds of flavors;
Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Mozzerella, etc
I will admit the texture is a bit different but when you cook it in with other foods, you don't really even notice!
The Daiya website even has a recipe section worth checking out!
Tomorrow's Post will be a Banana Bread recipe that everyone loves.
Even my non dairy free family members use this recipe now!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Rude Awakening.

Many nursing moms would consider it a huge
misfortune to have a child who has a Milk Protein Allergy, I consider it a blessing.
Thanks to my daughter, I had to sit down at my computer and do some research.
No, I didn't just google "milk allergy".
I researched reliable resources and my findings were horrific.
The genetic modifications involved with 90% of our consumables are putting our health at risk.
At first I couldn't wait to be able to eat "normal" again.
Now, I am positive our "normal" will be quite different.
I am starting this blog for all of us mommas (and families) who feel overwhelmed in the grocery store aisles.
I searched, and searched for hours to try to find foods I could eat.
Would you believe soy is in Pink Lemonade???
It is. Check your label.

So be checking in: I will post recipes, research studies, articles, and my favorite Dairy and Soy Free Treats.

For now, I will leave a staple item to every D&S Free Momma's Diet.

You would think Rice Milk Chocolate would taste a little off...
but it is very yummy!
As a matter of fact, Enjoy Life makes a ton of yummy things we can eat.
Their focus is allergen free.
I always get their chocolate chips when I make banana bread (Recipe Coming Soon).
For now Check out their Website:
